it ain't dat good shit, I ain't dat poo poo either, it's that poo poo aight shit.
by gr!Me July 1, 2017
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aight ima duck wit ta means when your cool with somebody and you’re telling them bye Oriya see you later
Tyshawn: I got to go to class bro
Markes: Aight ima fuck wit ya
by sHaInA PoOh October 21, 2019
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aight ima fuck wit ya Means that you’re cool with somebody or you want to be friends with someone.
Hey I got the homework if you want to copy off of it.

Aight ima fuck wit ya
by Dasss. t October 3, 2019
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Friend: you need to fuck off
You: aight bush
Friend: bitch did you just call me a bush
This is how friendships end.
by Thebiggestasseater February 10, 2019
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The person depicted by this term usually has a average quality features like large breasts dick or buttox but a physically unattractive face that's almost barf worthy
Toni is team aight looking
by Asapcashmere February 2, 2015
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When you're making a delicious, unique combination of eggs and anything you find in your fridge in a frying pan and someone looks and asks what you're cooking. EGGS AIGHT!
Hey, what is that you're cooking? .....Eggs aight.
by Mitchq January 19, 2018
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