Female version of Orion. One who is a bright light connected to the divine feminine universal energy. More a title then a name, Oriya is a earned classification of female used in secret societies and ritual. Not to be taken lightly, Oriya is a magical honor guarded by gorgons, amazons, and the fates. Oriya is a name taken on later in life usually through a name change by an enlightened female.

Oriya is also a language in India pronounced oh-ree-yah. Spoken in the state or Orissa. In Yoruba tradition Oriya means "mother of consciousness" with Ori meaning high vibration and ya meaning mother.
"When did she become Oriya?"
answer: chances are she always was


"I speak Oriya, write it too."
by Saintstormwriter February 12, 2010
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This is a name given to females. It originates from the Malawian tribe of Lomwe and is defined as "You've fine us proud". Someone named Oriya is often with beauty and a special talent.
by tamajane November 22, 2021
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In Hebrew it means the light of god with ori meaning light and ya meaning god
by Rubyisntfunny123 June 7, 2024
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