The daddyest daddy of all daddys. legit the hottest man alive.
person 1: man that guy is so so hot
person 2: ikr right he must be AA Yolo Vortex
by FaZeFroggy April 14, 2022
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The turbulence of low energy released from behind a gaggle of tourists plodding along without meaningful direction or motivation.

A person caught in a tourist wake vortex is rendered completely invisible, although only temporarily.
Chick1: Those guys didn't even look at us.

Chick2: Yeah, cuz we're walking behind this family of hipos. We're stuck in their tourist wake vortex - veer left!
by marybethjones December 10, 2009
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(n.) Apologizing for how often you apologize. Also known as an "apology vortex" but associated with Canadians due to the sterotype of saying "sorry" for basically everything.
Corinne: "I'm sorry I say 'sorry' so much!"

Matt: "You are sorry for being sorry? You must be Canadian...This is clearly a Canadian Apology Vortex."
by SwampBullySparkles March 10, 2014
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A meme refers to those "stupid sawblade placements" that circulating roughly on 2020. The original was came from ToshDeluxe's Devil Vortex fake verification video, which people point up the wrongly sawblades rotating. This led to a massive joke around 2020, where people posting a still image of Devil Vortex Sawblades and even more recreation pictures, and it was in Ludwig's r/place.
Bro look at those Devil Vortex sawblades that I can't stop laugh of how funny it was!
by clustifle649 August 16, 2022
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A bullshit vortex generator is a person who speaks lots of bullshit. Wich in turn gets everyone all upset and so on. In essance the bullshit spewed by the first person sucks all of his/her friends into this vortex fo bs
Mike is a real bullshit vortex generator. He was telling everyone at work this lie and everyone got sucked into this vortex of bullshit and they were all pissed at eachother
by Ron Chee July 22, 2009
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It’s like a Dutch Oven, but both people fart and then go under the covers together to enjoy the smell.
“Let’s dutch vortex tonight

“yes, that would be fire.”
by AlAx February 1, 2021
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