A name that some parents name their children. It in no way, shape, or form has anything to do with who they are as a person or what qualities they possess.
"Sydney is really nice honest and caring"
"Sydney is a backstabbing two face lying skank"
"Sydney is a dull and boring person"
by 2wEntEe October 5, 2018
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Perfection. Sydneys are courageous, polite, and Open minded, willing and a forgiving person. Sydney doesn't always speak her mind, especially when your being an idiot. She wants to know everything.
Sydney is so smart.
by TheLonelyPringle April 3, 2017
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Sydney has light brown hair and blue eyes that can appear gray. She knows what she thinks and isn't afraid to say and stand up for what she believes in. Awesome legs, great body. Fun to hangout with and stay up til 5 in the morning with on Urban Dictionary and Scrabble. Note: Very good at Scrabble. Owns awesome Spongebob pajama shorts. Funny but can have a serious conversation as well. Stays off YouTube for the most part, except for JennaMarbles and Kingsley. She loves to eat, if food were a person her best friend would be obsolete. Yet never gains any weight. When she does, it goes into her bra. Rock on. Very cute.
Sydney doesn't stuff her bikini top. Yep, it's natural.
by smileypajamapants July 14, 2012
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Nice to look at, horrible to indulge.

A sprawling, openly fun, flamboyant yet hollow and unsophisticated city with its heart stuck in the 80's that focusses upon itself as central to Australia due to it being the largest and most photogenic city in the country also the southern hemisphere. The focus is upon a wonderfully iconic looking bridge that suffers bottleneck traffic and an amazingly unique looking Opera House that is unfortunately acoustically unsound along a chic bay of houses throwing up millions of wasted dollars in Ken Donesque architecture.

Better off looking at a postcard than paying for the airfare.
Forester #1 - That fulsome log looks great for the fire, it'll be heavy. The best I've seen in the southern hemisphere!
Forester #2 - No, methinks it'll be light. It looks great from afar until you get closer and can see that it's been hollowed. It looks a tad Sydney to me.
by Havencheese November 11, 2007
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The most amazing girl I've ever met in my life. She's silly, cute, awesome, friendly, and most of all, she's my amazing girlfriend.
She's so hot.....she's like a Sydney!
by Jamar Parker May 19, 2016
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A city characterised by it's inhabitants habbit of bad-mouthing all other cities and believing themselves to be far superior. However Sydneysiders cannot drive, their streets are too narrow and regularly go absolutely nowhere, it has an insanely high crime rate, prices for pretty much everything are way too high (except their prostitutes-- they are very cheap!) and Sydneysiders have a constant chip on their shoulders about the fact that they are clearly inferior to pretty much every other city in the entire country.
"I'm from Sydney. Yes I know we're better than anywhere else."

"This traffic is Sydney-insane!" (I.E. Really, REALLY bad.)

"Look Mummy there's another prostitute. Oh. It's Aunty Cathy!"
by Almer March 5, 2009
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Capitol city of NSW. Inhabited by knuckle dragging morons and illiterate refugees, with a small fringe of pretentious new money snobs on the east and north shore. The city is ugly, poorly planned, run-down, overcrowded and expensive while offering little in the way of an acceptable standard of living compared to other Australian cities. The beaches are grossly overrated and look more like there English concrete encased counterparts. The only Drawcard of Sydney is the overwhelmingly mediocre Harbour surrounded by its retarder architecture and gaudy tourist shops selling all manner of tacky garbage with Ken Done's hideous smearing.
Has anyone noticed how much Sydney SUCKS?
by Hack Hater February 26, 2008
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