gang who tag PBS all over my fucking neighborhood...PBS="playboys"
fuck PBS!! iz all about GWK mofos! down with the blue!!!
by Lizard July 28, 2004
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Short for Painful Ball Syndrome. This is when the male is aroused for an extended period of time without having an orgasm. See also: blue balls
Dude, I have some wicked ass PBS after seeing my bitch.
by Jon October 20, 2003
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Some TV thingy-ma-jingy. Thingy-bob, yes'm.
Do you know that I came up with the idea for Sesame Street? I came up with it before PBS. The white man stole it. That's right. I was gonna call it "N.W.P." - Niggaz With Puppets. Catchy, ain't it?
by Gumba Gumba April 6, 2004
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An abbreviation of Potato Banana Soup; The ruler of the world of hut cows in Jamaica and Banff not China no no no.
Person #1: Potato!
Person #2: Banana!
Person #2: Soup!
Person #1: Rules!
Person #2: The!
Person #1: World!
Person #2: of!
Person #1: Hut!
Person #2: Cows!
Person #1: In!
Person #2: Jamaica!
Person #1: and?
Person #2: Banff!
Person #1: not!
Person #2:China!
Person #1: No!
Person #2: No!
Person #1: No...
Person #1+2: PBS!
by billie_joe_luva November 15, 2005
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PBS stands for being poor, broke, and struggling.

P: Poor
B: Broke
S: Struggling
Carmyn: Hey Christian. How are you today?

Christian: To be honest, I'm really PBS right now and it sucks! I'm still waiting on my tax refund to arrive!
by xoxoxo, Daydream April 20, 2009
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One of the greatest TV programs on the planet besides Cartoon Network
PBS Kids is amazing
by life is pain enjoyer February 16, 2023
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