7 definitions by life is pain enjoyer

when someone wants to kill you but cant due to it being against the law, so they make you suffer the most they can
person 1: i think that PBS Kids isnt that good--

person 2: go commit eat tortilla chip vertically
by life is pain enjoyer January 26, 2023
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It’s a hell that most people stay in for 17 years
by life is pain enjoyer March 21, 2023
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It’s like a penis, women make it hard.
by life is pain enjoyer February 17, 2023
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PBS Kids

One of the greatest TV programs on the planet besides Cartoon Network
PBS Kids is amazing
by life is pain enjoyer February 16, 2023
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life is pain

life is pain
by life is pain enjoyer January 26, 2023
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his girlfriend

Unpopular kid’s friend: you haven’t seen his girlfriend because she lives in Canada
by life is pain enjoyer February 17, 2023
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The great savior who I pray to every night before bed
by life is pain enjoyer February 21, 2023
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