Myself back when I wore white underwear and was too poor to afford quality pants.
I split my pant's seam in gym class and was sent to the office. I tried to be cool about it but broke down in my shame. I had to borrow the guidance counsellor's pair of pleated ballon pants and was so humiliated that I called my dad to pick me up and take me home. This combined with frizzy hair, white granny underwear, a 4.0 GPA among a class of idiots, and braces completed the look of the biggest nerd at my school.
by Ava A. February 25, 2006
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As it has come to pass, a nerd is apparently a person who dislikes geeks and denounces them as little more than second-rate, wannabe nerds. Anyone who claims to be a nerd is automatically not a nerd (as anyone who claims to be of a particular label is automatically not). True nerds are essentially smart dorks who still look dorky. True geeks, on the other hand, are smark dorks who act but don't look dorky. Nerds are generally academic in a general sense. Geeks are typically tech-oriented. Most all people who outwardly claim to be nerds or geeks are just pseudo-intellectual kids or teenagers who wish they were smarter than they truly are. True nerds, and some true geeks, often have a Clark Kent or Peter Parker complex: they don't proclaim they're as such, but rather they wish to be normal and/or at least accepted as viable members of society. Very few true nerds and geeks actually exist in contemporary society.
Most of the people posting definitions here are not true nerds.
by The AL August 16, 2006
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1. True hardcore

2. The envy of all pseudo-nerds, aka geeks
by David Yoo March 29, 2003
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Someone who gets straight A's. Or actually TRIES in school. I'm a "math nerd." If you believe in labels, that is.....most people in my school would rather be a prep than a nerd. I believe the opposite. Nerds have a little "group" at school and we talk about cool stuff. Like computers, math, and science. (okay maybe some people may think we're weird.) Most "nerds" like math, science, and getting grades. Most "nerds" like school. Geeks are wanna-be-nerds. Don't confuse us with them. Heh heh. Just kidding.....or am I? A lot of them are also really Don't get me wrong, I'm not a stereotypical nerd, as are not many nerds are. Most nerds wear supposedly "preppy" clothes with cool glasses (they are not the ugly thick black kind).
*sigh* that nerd is so hott.....
by Anonymous February 8, 2005
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Anyone who enters college with more than 30 credit hours.
If that nerd doesn't stop playing with his calculator, he's going to cum his star wars underwear.
by Billy Newbold September 26, 2003
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A step above a geek. Nerds devote most, if not all their time to intellectual things.
"Because of my fascination with Quantum Physics, I was labeled a geek. This is an incorrect statement as "geeks" devote their time to video games and movies such as World of Warcraft and Star Wars.

I am a nerd, as I focus my attention on more intellectual matters."

-Proud Nerd
by Dark Soul X April 26, 2009
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An academic achiever, but inadequete at sexual and physical activitys. Nerds enjoy excessive intelligence and are very smart in subjects such as science and maths, but lack in the skills required to make it very far in PE. Nerds tend not to be very social, or popular. Despite this they hold high places in society, generally at the top end of the income lists. Unlike geeks, who can be identified by their lack of intelligence, and usually playing dungeons and dragons, nerds play an important role in common life.
Examples of Nerds in society include Bill Gates.
by Big-Fat-Nerd November 2, 2008
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