Milton Vermont is a quiet and boring town. Yet recently Milton has been making many improvements. Milton has many blossoming businesses and Milton's education is also growing. Milton has it's share of kids who are easy or drink and do drugs. Every town does. Milton's reputation is just "popular" because everyone wants to point at someone to say, "hey atleast I'm not that guy." Nearly all rumors are just old stereotypes. People just want to put down someone else to make themselves feel better.
Girl- "Oh, no way ____ is pregnant?! Well that's one for us and six for Milton! What? She slept with three guys on the football team? Better than Milton I heard one girl slept with the whole soccer team?!"

Milton, VT- "Yeah _______ broke up with _______ and now he's spreading nasty rumors around at his school, just because she wouldn't sleep with him!"
by MonPseudonym October 5, 2011
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Miltom glax aka milton girls lacrosse is the hottest thing in Georgia. It’s a team of fake blondes who are all either all Americans or committed to a D1 college by their junior year. They’ve been the best team in Georgia since the beginning of time and trust me they know it . They’ve won 13 states championships and always get the most expensive rings. They all drives jeeps, convertibles or bmws. Their team is basically a cult and will destroy any way who gets in their path. They keep it classy on the field and have fun on the weekends.
Milton Glax just won another state championship
by Chickenfriesanduglyguyss December 11, 2019
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A suburb of Atlanta with nothing more to do then get stoned. Population makeup: Whites: 45% Mexicans: 50% Other: 5%. Dominantly Rednecks, pickup trucks are common methods of transportation.Lacks sidewalks.
If you want to go for a "walk" in Milton, Georgia, you will probably get ran over by a redneck in a jacked-up truck 16 feet from the ground.
by mattwx1 April 4, 2011
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When you smoke marijuana in a joint or blunt no handed and spit the smoking device across the room, causing a felony party foul.
My bad man, that was a Milton Cannonball!
by BbAaBg December 3, 2011
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a fat bitch that talks to much shit and fucks everything up!!
by Anonymous July 28, 2003
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C Milton Wright is a very diverse school with the majority being white preps. The African-Americans and wiggers try to stay in groups that are usually situated in front of the Social Studies hall and often cause a road block to students who try to get to their Government class. They also sit in the two tables closest to the cafeteria entrance. The goths/poor kids/nerds are situated either in the front entrance outside and are usually loud and obnoxious. They also tend to group near the bushes outside of the cafeteria after school and it is always common to see one fall into the bushes and down the hill only to erupt in a annoying laugh. There is a place on the third floor where all the preppy, rich kids who think that the world revolves around them hang out. It is usually either near the Y-stairs or in the elevator hallway. Overall the teachers are nice and easy going but the administrators are well, at times, assholes. Overall, C. Milton Wright is a pretty normal school where the gym teachers are perverts who make the pretty girls do butterflies so they can look at their underwear, where the drama and art classes are abundant in lesbians and gays, where you can expect a stink bomb to go off every other week, and where you cannot get from one class to another without hearing the word fuck. Another thing that one should note is that the football team is cocky and acne prone and the cheerleaders love cock (in other words they are sluts who were once unpopular in middle school but now think that 2 pounds of makeup and a thong can make them hot). We take pride in our sports teams and ridicule in our bands, chorus, etc. We stand up and shout in the pep rally but slouch and sleep during the Spring and Winter concerts. We have good friends, who we don't talk to the next year. And even though we are betrayers, liars, assholes, and bitches...there is no gun violence, there isn't a fight every day, there aren't girls getting pregnant (except one), and there aren't rape charges against teachers. Because we are not Edgewood High and we are not some Baltimore city school. We are the Mustangs. We play it safe and hard.
by ffejffejffejffejffej August 30, 2007
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It's a public high school in Milton Massachusetts. Basically if you aren't rich rich you come here if you live in Milton. To be fair most of the kids aren't awful, just entitled to some extent (some more than others). There's kind of a nicotine problem here, mainly because when you have a ton of kids who lack common sense living in a town with nothing interesting to do, they'll vape and drink everywhere they go. So yeah on average there's like always one kids vaping in the bathroom, but other than that the school is aight. Sorry to say that our sports teams aren't great, most suck. But hey most of our kids go to trade school or college so that's p cool.
I went to Milton High School, there was a big sign outside the boys restroom that read, "DONT PEE IN THE JUUL ROOM"
by Suk Mik Hok March 4, 2019
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