Most beautiful and functional person in a team!
She must be a lim chiew li
by Survey96 November 25, 2021
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He is a very down to earth person and pretty good at everything he does especially frisbee. He is secretly buff and macho but does not like to show it off. He stays in sembawang with his ahmah and manages to deal with all his brothers bullshit. He likes to keep quiet and does not disturb people around him. He is damnnnnnn handsome and pretty good with his Chinese. His legs are pretty hairless except for his knee cap. He sleeps with a very amazing posture. He is also known as saitaima with hair as he has iron fingers and when he carries hot things he does not think it is hot. He recently also started wearing spectacles.
You seems like a Lim Sheng Hong to me you are macho, quiet and good at everything.
by Chiobu123 August 23, 2021
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A Korean Boy that is very tall. He likes racist jokes and pulling teacher's underwear. He is kind of handsome due to Lames Dermatology. He has nice friends that are also sexy. He is part of a ruthless gang called NORO. His braces are magnificent and his wong is very big.
Mom, I want to be Huey Lim when I grow up!!
by SuperDuperGuy6974 November 22, 2021
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A person who shits with such immense force and focus, he gets a stroke and convulses on the floor while foaming at the mouth, usually ugly
by asianpussymagnet445 October 31, 2020
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1) (n) a cute Asian boy

2) (n) a word in Cantonese meaning
"close to becoming a Popstar/Actor"

3) (adj) to describe someone that is

HOT as f**k. Not only blessed with

good looks, but also a person with

great personality and intelligence.

4) (adj) to describe someone that is
loyal, caring, kind, sweet, humorous
and anything WONDERFUL that you
can think of.
Example :

Chad : I wish I could be like Andy Lim.

Bella : I wish I could be WITH Andy Lim. 😝
by Ilovejacksonwang69 November 24, 2021
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One is a Megan Lim if they are an obsessive dumpling devouring, noodle slurping slut.
John: yo dude what the fuck did you eat all of my mushrooms in the microwave

dave: yea dude i did but im a fuckin’ megan lim, i cant help it bro dude
by swagdude34 September 17, 2019
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