A man who owned a private island where he abused underage children. A former US President and a British Prince, among others, knew exactly what he was doing but didn't report it to the authorities. He also DID NOT kill himself.
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx March 17, 2021
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Basically, when a man gets drugged by another man. He is then raped, Dismembered and finally consumed.
"Hey, don't accept any free drinks from that guy over there! You could get Jeffrey Dahmered. "

I almost got Jeffrey Dahmered by my gay friend last night.

I am so gonna Jeffrey Dahmer him.
by NotAPessimist February 5, 2015
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The ingredients in a "Jeffrey" (from the 2010 movie; "Get Him to the Greek")


A "Jeffrey" contains the fallowing ingredients according to "Aldous Snow" a fictional character, and leading role in the 2010 movie "Get Him to the Greek"


(Listed in order of the actual line spoken by the character)


*Weed mostly. (Marijuana)

*Got a bit of Opium in it. (lachryma papaveris; dried latex obtained from the opium poppy)

*Some Heroin. (diacetylmorphine (INN)), also known as diamorphine (BAN))

*Crunched up E's. (Ecstasy - MDMA)

*Clorox. (cleaning product; primarily bleach)

*Methadone. (Symoron, Dolophine, Amidone, Methadose, Physeptone, Heptadon, Phy)

*Subutex. (Buprenorphine - suboxone)

*Morphine. (MS Contin, MSIR, Avinza, Kadian, Oramorph, Roxanol, Kapanol)

*Peyote. (Lophophora williamsii)

*Some other stuff that's unidentifiable, and I think a little bit of Angel Dust I think if I'm not mistaken. Keep it traditional. (PCP - “Phencyclidine“)
Like a drug Neapolitan.


Safety message;

Please note that the above topic, definition, and quote, are all from a fictional character in the 2010 comedy; "Get Him to the Greek". And are not to be taken seriously or attempted in real life.
(the ingredients in a Jeffrey)

Aldous: "Aaron, here, take this, it's a "Jeffrey", it'll calm you down".

Aaron: "What's in this? My heart's starting to beat really fast".
by Tenos January 15, 2011
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Jeffrey Maier cost the Baltimore Orioles a chance at the World Series, just like Steve Bartman cost the Chicago Cubs
by Jimmy S January 11, 2004
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Webcomic artist and cowboy poet. Creator of Overcompensating and Wigu. Two awesome and popular webcomics. He also runs TopatoCo, a company he uses to sell his merchandise (his main source of income.
A lot is two words! - Jeffrey Rowland
by Dante Adventure April 25, 2006
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