to pertain an irish air about it
sexy lady no1: man jayce is just the hottest thing
sexy lady no2: yeah i heard he's irish!
sexy lady no1: let's go bask in his irishness (becons jayce over with her index finger)
sexy lady no2: and then we can have a threesome!
jayce: hell no bitch, you're ugly and you pull your thong up to your titties.
sexy lady no1: ouch..burn. oh well more irishness for me!
by 143 KB April 11, 2006
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A word, term, sentence or manifestation of attitude associated with and/or developed by native Irish people.
Not to be confused with an actual Irish language word, term or sentence.
1. (word) "Feck" - Irishism for "fuck"
2. (term) "Well" as opposed to just saying "hello"
3. (sentence) "What do you get up to of a weekend" - 'of' used instead of 'on'.
4. (manifestation of attitude) Popular outlook on sex in Ireland is a tabooist distancing of oneself from the subject matter, e.g. "when you (a person) have the sex".
This particular example is most likely due to Ireland's staunch Catholic stigma and also because Irishness in general is far from sexy. "Twas far from 'sexy' you were reared"
by Kensington Chapp March 15, 2009
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1. (in British usage) illogical, back-to-front. (This term is used by prejudiced people.)

2. (in American usage) not really Irish at all, lacking Irish citizenship, having little or no knowledge of Ireland, and knowing nothing of the Irish language or Irish culture, but possessing a great-great-grandparent (or the like) who was Irish. Not regarded as Irish by actual genuinely Irish people (those with Irish nationality).
1. "Why are you doing it that way? That's so Irish!"

2. American One: "I'm Irish."
American Two: "I'm English, Irish, Scottish, French, and German!"
by planethopper July 20, 2005
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What you are if you live in, where born in or have parents who were born in Ireland.

Not what Americans are if their ancestors came from Ireland. You are American, your ancestors were Irish.
American Person: Oh my god, you're Irish. My husband is from Cork. He's never been there though. (someone actually said this to me!)

Irish Person: Ri-ight!


American Person: Oh my god, it's Saint Patrick's day. I didn't realise it. I should wear something green, I'm Irish. (someone also said this to me!)

Irish person: No you're not, you're American with Irish ancestors!!!

by watersna May 24, 2006
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someone you do not want to challege to a drinking contest, also never challenge to quarters
Irish can never be beat in drinking, or quarters
by Drue B. August 9, 2006
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1. Idiot who THINKS he's from Ireland or (Eire). Can be found in America and some parts of England. Thinks he has celtic heritidge despite
a)not having pale skin
b)having dark hair
c)not being able to speak the language
d)not having the accent
e)having no knowledge of Irish history and thinking that ther're Irish because their surname begins with an O' or ends with '-an' eg. O'Toole, GrogAN
f)not being able to hold their drink

2. Guy from Ireland - who I have no problem with
The last irish guy I met was Liam Gallagher. He's from the same part of Ireland as me - England.
by anonnonononononon August 26, 2006
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The process of renaming or altering something to appear more Irish to artificially create appeal. Most commonly performed by Yanks.
Rufus Terrill Irishized his Atlanta bar by renaming it "O'Terrill's" and giving it an Irish theme.
by Colonel Creedon April 28, 2008
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