it has seven leaves.. its green... stanky... gives me more luck than four leaves, i dont know about you

you might find one in your stash
burnout 1: dude im so lucky i just found a seven leaf clover
burnout 2: you mean weed?
burnout 1: shhhhh the trees have eyes
burnout 2: WHAT!? ..dude stop youre freaking me out
burnout 1: the government maaannn theyre always listening
burnout 2:...just pass that you tweak
by imeanburnoutinagoodway February 18, 2010
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When you slowly kiss your way down your girlfriend's chest, to her tummy and then remove her undergarments, then kiss down to her rubix, and then do your thing.
Me: I clovered earin last night...she alarm clocked three times. it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be.

You: I thought it would be a horrible thing to do and i'd never do it.

Me:'s not bad at all. do it for your girl, she'll love it.
by Jeremy October 10, 2004
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A virgin- rare and elusive in today's day and age.
Eshay 1 : Bro, that chick is a 20 year old four leaf clover.
Eshay 2 : Damn, I better pop her cherry.
by peewee_sanchez January 9, 2011
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Small, insignificant weeds that some superstitious people beleive are made by small green fairies, who dance and sing in an Irish accent and love gold in pots under rainbows. Therefore, these unitellegent people find this weed lucky, and they go on long idiotic hunts to find one. Most people are utterly disapointed when they come up emptyhanded, because most people can;t find four leafed clovers.
Gee look: Four leaf clovers! Just like in the lucky charms cereal! Wow!
by FerretFrenzy May 17, 2008
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4 LEAF CLOVER -A lucky four-leaf clover is when gang bang of 1 gal and 4 dudes get together and she gets wapped in the face by all four dicks at once right before they cum then all jizz between one print to make the stem going into her mouth and unlucky 4leaf with a spout is if after she has it in her mouth she takes a coffee straw and spins in a circle down a pole and yells "happy st Patty's day call me lucky"
Your ma face timed me last night with her face done up in spots. She was out thirsten and said she fondly found her first 4 Leaf Clover. I confused asked, ”so did you get lucky? "
by Jen-o-cide!! June 10, 2022
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phrase coined by paddy troy

an irish call for an orgie

see also stroke
Paddy the leprechaun:Stroke me clover!
by Ladddi tReilly August 7, 2004
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When four guys assfuck a single girl, at the same time.
Jack: "I heard that Phil's girlfriend cheated on him last night with FOUR other guys. Word is they all got drunk and did the Four Leaf Clover."

John: "Is that shit even legal?"
by PhrozynWynd January 23, 2011
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