A song by A Day To Remember written about when you're playing Call Of Duty. An enemy is five feet behind you, and in attempt to kill you, they waste time fumbling to throw a grenade instead of shooting you. In the time it takes them to do that, you turn around kill them effortlessly.
Brett: Dumb ass computer. He was standing behind me and in the time it would have taken to shoot me, instead he pulled out a grenade.

Josh: What a retard.

Brett: Totally. I killed him while he was still taking it out. He could have just shot me on the spot and killed me! You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance, CPU.

Josh: Yeah.
by JaelleRivers January 27, 2013
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A phrase heard in the Pink Floyd song, "Another Brick in the Wall". Extremely funny.
Son: "Mom, can I have some pudding?"
Mom: "You haven't eaten your meat yet."
Son: "But mom!"
Mom: "Son, you know that: 'If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
Son: "Don't be quoting Pink Floyd on me again..."
by DuBois March 23, 2006
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its an expression you say when you are surprised and Shocked at the same time.
person 1 : i took your gold and sold it so i can buy a car

person 2 : Have you lost your fucking mind ! who did you ask !
by ghostoman August 31, 2023
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The saying “Have You Done Your Part?”is a quote from The 9 Year Old Army in the Subscriber War against Pewdiepie and T-Series. Doing your part means to aid PewDiePie. in his battle against T-Series.
Person 1: *Plays Bitch Lasagna in the park*

Person 2: Look! Their doing their part!
Person 3: Have you done your part?
Person 2: Hmmm,not yet! Wait,I have an idea! I’ll knock on my neighbors doors and say “subscribe to PewDiePie!
Person 3: That’s the spirit!
by 9YearOldArmyVeteran January 1, 2019
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