A women who looks at though she’s been run down for 12 years but it’s only been 1.
Jenny has been home schooling her kids for the last year but it looks like it’s been 12... damn she’s become a Covid Hag
by Hanrahan J O January 31, 2021
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A fag hag is a woman who prefers the company of gay men.
A fag hag is a woman who prefers the company of gay men. The marriage of two derogatory terms, fag and hag, symbolizing the union of the world's most popular objects of scorn, homosexual and woman, creates a moniker that most of those who wear it find inoffensive, possibly because it smacks of solidarity.
by sLg February 1, 2004
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An extremely unattractive woman with ridiculously effective (almost supernatural) powers of manipulation. Nastier and more powerful version of a hag.
Wow, that chick is a real Swamp Hag!
by PixieFish69 May 22, 2010
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A staight woman who loves the company of the gay male community, such as drag shows, and going to gay bars. She also has a best friend that is gay and the have everything in a hetro relationship except the sex part. And they share what best girlfriends have incomon. Most often the gay men she hangs out with ecspcially if she is beautiful are attracted to her, but the attraction is only them admiering her beauty and the drag queens want to be her. And her main fag is usually very proud to have her as a hag. And a true fag hag isn't ashamed to admit who she is.
Joshua and Marie are best friends.But Joshua is gay, and Marie is straight. She spends a lot of time with him, they go out to gay bars together, he does her hair, she takes care of him, and they even scope out guys for eachother, and even go out in drag together. He loves his hag and she loves her fag. And that a fag hag
by Dawn Sumner May 25, 2004
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An alleged female on the internet who intentionally posts pictures of her scantily clad self, types sexual innuendo on message boards, and otherwise openly flaunts the fact that yes, she is a female, on the internet. All this is done to gain popularity on forums and to attract attention.

The nerd hag often uses more than her fair share of smiley faces.

Also see: Attention Whore

They are sirens of the intarwebs, tie yourself to the mast.
In the middle of a discussion:

Forumer: As I was saying, blah blah blah you've contradicted yourself

Nerd Hag: :)1 sec my bra came loose brb :) *blushes*
by Hodie123 January 6, 2007
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When a woman of a certain age (old) has a mass of steel-grey hair that conjures the appearance of a seriously horrific hat.
As she approached, I thought to myself that it may be Halloween, but then I quickly realized the hag hat she wore was her crowning glory way back in the day.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 31, 2019
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You Are A True Fag Hag If...

-You are a straight girl who has a best friend who is gay and spends a lot of time together
-You would rather go to a gay club than a straight club
-Your fag gave you your own drag name
-You know all the gay guys at the local gay bar
-You fag takes you shopping for mac makeup and then puts it on you
-Your hair and makeup are always flawless
-You dress up in his drag gear on saturday night or dress in drag together
-You even dance with all the fags on stage when Britney Spears comes on
-You learned to vouge from watching your fag
-You fall in love with your fag (which is a bad thing)
-You try to convert your fag (this will only ruin your relationship with him)
And lastly... you find your self not being able to live without him because you have so much fun with him.
A Stright girl who shares these experiences
by Dawn Sumner May 25, 2004
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