Where a wife has to choose between giving a blowjob or having anal sex.
Last night I was faced with the wife’s gambit with my aggressive husband.
by chickenboy June 7, 2021
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It is an opening in chess where you sacrifice your king for queen to checkmate the bishop. This has been used by grandmasters through out the century, grandmasters who use this openings are Magnus Carlsen, Emory Tate, and etc.
Opponent: OH MY GOD DID YOU JUST USE THE "Cumsock licker gambit", MAN IM SO DONE FOR!!
You: Checkmate mofo......
by bihon boy February 12, 2023
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This is when your in school and you draw a penis on the nearest persons paper.
I was pissed whenever Jeffrey hit me with the watermelon gambit in science class.
by Watermelondude69420 June 4, 2023
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A special move where one yells watermelon gambit and draws a dick on the closest items
by Peter Griffin Jr June 2, 2023
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When you're gonna go on a date, and you're excited about it all week, but the moment it comes up, you get super nervous.
GF1: "Excited for the date today?"
GF2: "Yeah I was, but now I'm nervous."
GF1: "Sounds like Lesbian's Gambit."
by rurururururururururu July 16, 2021
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Loser's gambit is often associated with gambling in casinos, however, it can be applied to competitive online games as well, along with difficult games; whereas a player is on a losing streak, and overall having a bad time, so they feel obligated to play matches/get killed in game until winning.

Not to be confused with regular "try and try again" philosophy, as having a loser's gambit is often after being tilted (aka raging) and losing one's composure.
Example 1:
Player:"Man, I could've sworn i won that last game i played before i went to bed!"
Player's Friend:"Dude, you were having a loser's gambit and played until 3am, that's not healthy or normal..."

Example 2:
Player: "phew, glad i took time to untilt and come back to that boss later, otherwise i would've lost it."
Player's Friend:"yeah, haha, would've been a loser's gambit if you did."
by Feeler Peeler July 6, 2023
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A move in chess, where you hang a major piece and then come up with an excuse like having dinner or needing to take the dog out for a walk.
liam: he just hung his queen?
ben: no, i just played the infamous walsh gambit
by yunghannah March 10, 2021
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