Also known as (CNTD). The affected person will have no control over when or where they tug their nuts.
"Joe has Compulsive Nut Tugging Disorder and was caught tugging his nuts in the kitchen"
by Wenis man January 27, 2023
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A do-it-yourselfer who never discards the little screwdriver-tips that come in boxes of torx deck-screws, even though there's always a fresh bit included in every box of screws.
My buddies jokingly call me a compulsive torx-bit saver because I don't throw out still-usable screwdriver-tips from boxes of screws, but I figger that, hey --- I already paid for the tips when I bought the screws, so why not save them in case I need one to use with other screws in the future?
by QuacksO October 1, 2018
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Or "OCFUD" for short. Refers to where you absolutely cannot stand to simply walk by a flagstaff where da pennant has become wrapped around da pole or is otherwise not hanging/flapping freely as it's supposed to be; you feel da overwhelming need to reach up and caringly "free da folds" so dat said lovely colorful banner can flutter freely and gloriously proclaim its bold "freedom of expression" message once again.
Why anybody would make an issue about someone's obsessive compulsive flag-unfurling disorder is totally beyond me --- just like "OMLC disorder" (whereby you are unable to resist closing an obviously-hanging-open mailbox-lid on your way by), it would be only common-sense logical to assume dat whoever put up da tangled-up flag would indeed want it to remain "free to flutter" instead of being messily twisted around da flagpole. Plus of course, it's only what YOU'D want OTHERS to do regarding any flag dat YOU YOURSELF had hung, and so you'd be merely following da Golden Rule by performing said Good Samaritan task yourself wif any bunched-up flag dat you see while strolling around town.
by QuacksO May 30, 2022
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Someone who can not help to bend the truth. They often can not stop lying even if they try it’s not possible. This can be caused by trauma in early age. Compulsive liars lie about everything no matter how big or small. Some believe that there lies are true sometimes. They still lie even if it actually has no benefit. It can be described as living in a box being able to see outside and hear what your saying, and wanting to say something but a complete lie come out instead.
Jen: my favorite animals are dogs!
Steve: that’s cool.

Jen: *why did I say that it’s a complete lie, why do I have to be a compulsive liar*
by 3m0 m@x December 14, 2021
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A compulsive liar lies all the time about nothing for no reason. It’s not something able to be controlled easily. It often forms from trauma at a young age. They lie no matter, even if it doesn't benefit them. It can be described as living in a box and knowing what you want to say then having a lie come out your mouth instead. Some times they even believe there lies. It can be a horrible thing because it’s not like you have control of your own body.
Jen:I like cats!
Jen:*that’s not true why did I say that, why do I have to be a compulsive liar.*
by 3m0 m@x December 14, 2021
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When you feel the need to forward a just received joke, picture or video to your friends (not to the sender, of course). To be unable to keep the received medium just for you.
Common similar activities called Obsessive Compulsive Disorders or OCDs include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked.
This Christmas joke card is so great. It fits perfectly to John: Sent!

Oh dear, you suffer from CID, that social media disorder. The full technical term is Obsessive-Compulsive Instagram Disorder (OCID). Or just CID.
Oh, you are a wise guy.
by ThePhysopher December 22, 2018
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Fine... So long as it happens to the right people...
Hym "Yeah, well, it seems to be the case that your 'Arc' is more of a Titanic life-boat situation where the unconscientious low status men are covertly exsised from society or faced with compulsion. So no... No minority report world for charlatans. Not going to happen."
by Hym Iam March 13, 2023
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