A phrase used by Syndicate the most bm starcraft 2 player ever. Usually seen in his freestyle raps which he did on a daily basis due to his autism and anger management issues when he lost in a game a starcraft. Pro bono is usually used in the phrase "I do this shit pro bono." This word has now been added to the dictionary's of all the steven bonnell aka Destiny stream watchers.
I do this shit pro bono.
by Spirit7 January 12, 2011
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any volunteer action, for the betterment of makind. Named after the lead singer of U2, Bono
You are required 20 hrs of pro-bono work at this law firm
by jowa August 15, 2006
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a person who is a fan of U2
Lindsay was first in line for tickets for the concert tonight. She is so pro bono.
by Paula Vee 2 October 25, 2009
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When you need to take a giant crap.
Bro : Man, what happened? You've been gone for like 30 minutes!

Brotato Chip: Dude, I had a major Bono Movement. Don't go in the bathroom for like an hour...
by JustaRandomHoomin June 17, 2016
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When you fuck someone in the ass for free.
Prone bono, that’s where I fuck you in the ass for free.
by Landaconda March 31, 2023
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"Billy was hitting the slopes hard and crashing into the trees like Sonny Bono"
by Bigg11buck October 18, 2014
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