The subsequential pwnage of a nearby in game player character typically known to be well skilled, has a lapse in in-game judgment causing the excretion of noob juice which tends to instantly affect those in which it comes in conact of. Even witnessing this act often can cause spread of this highly contagious affliction. Term coined by Jay Dizzle.
Ijll tells the party : Man I got noob juice all over me from our nuker when he went down and I forgot to change targets to heal the tank."
by Jay DeGizzle February 23, 2008
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1. A noobish helicopter, an noob copter.
2. A highly offensive, derogatory, and hateful epithet that is on par or worse than cracker, n***er, beaner, chink, etc. Should never ever ever be uttered in company/public.
1. Look at that noob copter go, it's so fast!
2. "You're a noob copter", friend kills you.
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Someone who can't even put one side together on a rubicks cube.
Joe is so dumb he's a rubicks noob.
by Killgore33 November 23, 2009
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someone who uses a femas too much in black ops
*BurninBlunts is a femas noob
by KillerRus94 February 23, 2011
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Noob Points are those points that are given to any person who fails to uphold the traditional gamer standards. The most common way to obtain Noob Points is by going to bed before 11pm.
Jake: Im going to bed now, Its getting late, its almost 9:30.

Larry: 500 Noob Points!
by StrangeThangs March 29, 2009
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