3 definitions by ThatNoobWithAhatakabarin

some awsome yter who needs 1000 subs (ps im totally not him lols)
person 1: are you subbed to Barin the noob
person 2: no
person 1: frick you
by ThatNoobWithAhatakabarin June 8, 2021
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a creepypasta or something about the wii console
Person1: ayo you ever wathed the wii deleted you animatic series?
Person2: what tf is that
by ThatNoobWithAhatakabarin June 8, 2021
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basically ugvyvhf;h;fiy;c;c;h;cviv but differnt
person 1: hey bro how yo-
person 2: azsxdcfvgbhnjmk,l.
person 1: bitch what
by ThatNoobWithAhatakabarin June 8, 2021
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