The look a man gets in his eye when staring at a hot girl...more specifically the look a man gets while sitting at "sniffer's row" at a strip club.


The glimmer of hope that sparks in a man's eye while creepliy staring at any chick, whilst imagining she is naked.
"Ewww, check out creeper-mcgee over there with rape twinkle in his eye."

"Ya he totally rape twinkled that poor innocent stripper..."
by Old Man Higginbottoms January 21, 2013
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Rape VR is the latest in virtual reality technology. It is a device aimed at people who can't help themselves but rape people.

This device helps society out by taking rapers off the streets.

How The Device Works: Users place the virtual reality headset on and it simulates their usual raping activities by letting the player rape in variety of different places, but in the legal and comfortable surroundings of their own home.

The simulation game also gives a score and rates the quality and performance of each rape which users can upload their highscores for fellow players to beat.

Players can play with their friends online in "Gang Rape Mode"

The different rape simulations you can play:

-The Hollywood Producer
-The Subservient Girlfriend
- It's Not Rape If It's Porn
- The 3am walk through the park
- Nightclub, Pills, Drink, Taxi, Home
- Do ANYTHING for a passport
Check it out! I just got the new Rape VR. Coming online for a 10 on 1?
by Righty Tossbag July 20, 2019
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(Usually due to failed classes) When you go to pick up your schedule and find out your classes have been switched without your consent! OH FUCK NO, you've been schedule raped!
*picks up schedule*
A: What the fuck? I never wanted bio instead of gym
B: You just got schedule raped!
by Caroline Himanen February 4, 2010
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The act of someone guessing the pronunciation of other's names wrong on a consistent basis. This action happens on a defenseless and unwanted level, giving the victim a feeling of being raped.

No matter how common the name is, the Name Rapist will always completely butcher the attempt at pronouncing a name. The victim may spend large amounts of time pondering how someone could possibly fail so badly.

Victims may be Name Raped multiple times by the same Name Rapist. Name rapists will usually strike again and again until a victim has spoken up about previous incidents.

Sometimes a Name Rape is followed by a quick aside, showing even more ignorance.
The following is an example of a college professor engaging in Name Rape during the first class of the semester:

Prof.-"Deeemon Smith? That's odd.."
Prof."I was gonna say....."

Prof.-"Katey Willshit? *looks around*"

Prof-"Shakira Montorossa?"
Shakara-"Shakaaaar(rolls R)aa Monterosa!"
Prof.-"Sorry Shakira."
by Hayden5757 September 8, 2011
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when some one talks to you in your sleep and you answer them, leading on to a conversation
"i fell asleep on the couch last night and mum totally chat raped me, she told me al about it this morning. i feel so violated".
by kiwidave October 7, 2010
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Using a persons data without consent.. aka fucking them over by misusing their personal data in a way that was not consensual. Often accomplished with droofies (see droofies).
You: "WTF Facebook!?!"

Friend: "What ?"

You: "All I remember is last night I went to bed and no one could see my personal info on my facebook profile, and then this morning I woke and everyone could see my birthdate, social security number, credit card info .. AND my asshole hurts."

Friend: "Dude.. you must have been data raped by Facebook. I bet they slipped you a droofie."
by justlikealltherest July 23, 2011
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Similar to creeper weather but at nighttime. At night when it's dark, foggy, and you can't see shit. And you become paranoid looking around for someone Who is following you.
Mary: Yo, last night I was walking the dog. It was total rape weather. Even the dog knew it.

Lizzy: That must have sucked, I always gets scared when that happens.
by whoiam_13 August 10, 2011
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