Someone that is a worry warted frogger doodle.
Usually a jealous guy
Mary-Ann: Julee my boyfriend is always worrying and he's very jealous!

Julee: What a wonky nut nut
by Kitkat_208 January 1, 2009
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An appendage in the form of a long cylinder with a pointed dome head hanging from the pelvic region of the human body, while being angled to one side of the body almost as if it’s connected to the upper thigh
That man I hooked up with last night definitely had a wonky dick, it was hot.

He got all up in me with that wonky dick.

“Shouldn’t be a mushroom dome not a pointed dome.” “No it’s a wonky dick not a normal dick.”
by Glitchforces1 August 6, 2022
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Wonky eye. Eye that doesn't go in the correct direction, or same direction as the other eye.
She had that wonky eye. I didn't know who she was looking at.
by TtotheLew August 17, 2023
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The term used to describe the feeling when you're under the influence of ketamine.
Friend 1: Bro, do you wanna get wonky wobbly later?

Friend 2: Yeh let's get some k
by js6300890 August 22, 2019
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When someone has no friends and they have a messed up face and is ugly
Girl 1: he was such a wonky face
Girl 2: he makes me sick
by Alexeisler December 22, 2016
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