Yiddish Cockney slang for money, cash.
Got any oof, mate? I'm all out of dosh meself.
by Hugo Baron March 18, 2006
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Literally just a word dudes say after anything. It’s like lol for a girl.
Amanda: “I can’t believe that happened”

Todd: “Oof
by littleonesights October 20, 2017
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The sound you make in Roblox when you die, you can use it instead of laughing or when someone says something weird or awkward

(its a meme, dont play roblox please)
kevin did u hear about the man whos left side of his body fell off, hes alright now
jimbo oof
by Cunty McCuntface January 19, 2018
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When you have bean roasted or something bad happened.
someone: u mum gay!
you: oof
by king77 September 4, 2018
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when you play roblox too much and think you die in real life
"I will shoot you"
"It was a nerf gun"

nerf or nothing
by qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1 January 31, 2019
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a word that all the perverted 5 year old robloxians use in order to feel cool
by imobsessedwithmiraculous August 31, 2018
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by e-Hawaii Staff. oof – Pidgin English Definition oof. (oof) Definition: to have sex.
by Izym134 September 28, 2018
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