a word that mostly only black people use for talking to one another. It is said to originate from either hip/hop or the white man using it a derogatory term and it transforming into a common use for black people today
Whats up my nigga?
nigga you betta back up...
Boy that niggas crazy
by kyuubi111 May 31, 2007
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A black person's pronunciation for nigger, a term that is still around today because black people believe it brings them together in a sense of unity: my nigga = my friend. Get over yourselves. There are people dying in Rwanda as a result of black on black violence as you read this, and blacks in America probably can't even spell Rwanda, let alone locate it on a map.
Blacks have been enslaved for over 300 years. The LEAST we could do is free them, make their martyr's birthday a national holiday, have an entire month dedicated to them, create affirmative action, and -oh yeah- give them a word that only they can use so as to make them feel special.
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nigga can be used by any race because you arn't reffering to the person your talking to as a NIGGER but as a nigga which in other words your telling them like homie or dawg.
good way: whats up nigga.(to any person)
bad way: you act just like a stupid nigga (which could be disrespectful to a black person)
by Mardom May 29, 2005
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The filth of America and Africa. Niggas are the uneducated black people that steal from society and have destroyed people's lives. They are extremely dangerous and will kill a person on impulse. They have no respect towards society, their social group of other niggas, and they have no respect towards another person's life. They have destroyed and corrupted many cities throughout America through their violence and theft. They are savages, barbaric niggas that will turn on each other to make a quick buck. Throughout history the nigga has wrecklessly destroyed each other and anyone in their path. In Africa it is nigga versus nigga, trying to form an establishment to rule over the other niggas. These disputes as dealt with violence. Women and children, and young niggas under the influence of other niggas, have died in the process of niggas trying to establish power. The nigga is a terrible blemish on today's society and should be dealt with immediately, otherwise they will infest every corner of the planet and corrupt it even more so than it already is. Our down fall, humanity's downfall, is the nigga.
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, niggas wielding firearms opened shots at helicopters and men in uniform that tried to rescue the people of New Orleans. Niggas took alcohol, expensive electronics, and money from abandoned shops during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. They have no remorse for what they do. Take a look at the rap world where niggas fester over and breed amongst each other. They get their things stolen by other niggas, they mistreat women, and they are drug users, they are extremely racist, and prejudice towards our civilized society.
by The Voice of Truth September 2, 2006
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a term used like dude or man. when used between african americans it makes caucasians want to say it. whats the big deal because african americans say dude and man. doesnt equal rights freedom of speech and freedom of expression mean EQUAL RIGHTS FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. so everybody get over it.
whats up nigga
come on nigga lets go
i havent seen you in forever my nigga
by yo name July 20, 2006
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a word that black people can say but when i white person says it they get shot
black guy: what up nigga?
**nothing happens**

white guy: what up nigga?
*gunshots occur*
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A word used by white boys to make themselves sound like they're from the hood, but end up getting their ass whooped by black dudes.
White guy: Ayyye nigga!

White guy's white friend: Sup nigga!

by blackbird2025mil October 12, 2014
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