absolutely not. if u named ur kid this please legally change their name like this person is actually so ass like its horrendous like fucking gross like this thing is actually so ugly that lot looks like a failed science experiment that literal fucking rodents made and snuck onto earth. Like please even recantation cant even fix it
ew hari with an s at the end cs i dont wanna get exposed lmfaoooo is so ew
by laufeyismybae October 16, 2023
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synnonoms include:

confuse, miscalculate, misconstrue, misinterpret, misjudge, misread, overestimate, overlook, underestimate, addle, blunder, botch, bungle, confound, err, fail, goof, jumble, lapse, misapprehend, misconceive, miscount, miss, omit, slip, snarl, tangle, be off the mark, be wrong, deceive oneself, get wrong, have wrong impression, make a mess, misdeem, misknow, miss the boat, put foot in, slip up, AND take for

if you didn't read all of them read it because my hands hurt from typing

slang: idk

meaning: 1. used to say that one does not have the information someone is asking for.

2. used to express disagreement, doubt, or uncertainty.
Sam: "What time does the library close?" Tom: "I don't know."

Bob: "I don't like that guy."

i dont know what other sentence i should write
by helloiamsean April 19, 2022
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I Dont Know means "I clearly dont have a clue". Something most people dont know what it means because if you say"I dont Know" They will keep asking.
"Wanna touch grass today?"
"I dont know"
5 minutes later
"Wana touch grass today?
by UrMars September 11, 2022
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It's a term that's commonly used by girl(s) that go by the name of Stevie when they're friendzoning someone. It can also be used when in need of attention because when you tell people (Nat) this phrase, they keep insisting to make you love them. Easy attention gain. Little do they know that they will never be loved. This sentence is known to be quite useful as it can get you out of multiple situations of trouble. For example, if you for some reason tell them accidentally that you love them and they ask you to repeat it, you can simply scream the sentence and you'll be out of the situation in the blink of an eye.
"hey Stevie, how does this shirt look on me?"
by jenniestevs January 10, 2018
A way for the writers of destiny to ignore potholes
Writers: Dominus Gaul is capable of forcing the light out of the traveler!

D2 players: Then why doesnt he?

Writers: I dont have time to explain why I dont have time to explain
by StardustArcader June 7, 2020
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