When you and your girl get drunk at the crib and freaky sex ensues.
Tom ain't coming out. Him and Dominique are booboo drinking at the crib.
by Nigga Sandwhich May 14, 2017
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Something that can be said when you feel strongly negative about something you can’t change and it effects you poorly causing sadness mixed with anger
You’re leaving already? this is so booboo-ass.”
by Booboomaker December 30, 2022
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When something isn’t going your way and it fucking sucks because it’s out of your control and strongly goes against your liking.
“This party is so booboo ass I’m glad it will be over soon
by Booboomaker December 30, 2022
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Poor quality weed, particularly weed that is of weak potency and small buds.
"This bag ain't nothing but seeds and stems! Man this some booboo grass."
by kalixko March 18, 2022
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The injury obtained by inserting a straw into your penis.
-After last night John must have a blazing booboo
-yea, katie can never use that straw again
by Paraphrasingtheworld April 13, 2013
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That white girl who thinks she can get away with using a blaccent and being aggressive to others due to her being “spicy”

also used as a “kiki hurricane”.
ex. Stacey? Beware of her she’s a total kiki booboo.
by Miss Spicy February 20, 2022
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A fucking wild donny who goes round running with a cone on his head and telling a teacher to fuck off
So when someone is being stupid they say what a Jimbob BooBoo Davies
by October 10, 2021
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