Sexy Male version of a yandere
Karen: hey girl that guy killed a boy who tried to tutor his crush
Alexa: must be a male yandere those are pretty rare
by Box g June 13, 2021
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A type of brainwashing that can make you kill someone for the one you love.

also a song
"Hey dude do you like yandere brainwashing?"
"No what the hell-"
by yuyukoi September 9, 2021
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When someone Who is an Astronaut, Or A Worker at a Space Agency, or simply someone In Love with Space becomes a Yandere.
Have you heard that Alice is a Space Yandere?!
by Michael Prep January 28, 2020
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A guy that is very athletic. It means “God of the people”.He usually is tall, strong and very careful for his friends, girlfriends and family. The person is smart, cute, loving and attractive. He is also very independant and can make very good friends. He is the dream of every girl.
Girl1: I wish I had a boyfriend like Yander.
Girl2: Don’t worry you’ll get an amazing person like yander.
by Jimmy659 October 19, 2018
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A multidimensional being, saviour of the all, matrix hacker, bonded with the feminine life force energy light of paradise
Yander will save us all from the matrix.
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A kpop (or jpop) fan who is very obsessive with their groups/biases. Is ready to bring down other groups that is growing more famous and bully the rival group's fans.
Doesn't allow people in their social cirkle to have the same bias as them and will get angry if this is ignored.
"My friend asked me to pick a bias in Exo, but she got angry and told me I couldn't have same bias as her. I thought it was a joke..."
"She is probably and Idol-yandere"
"It's so childish, the war between EXO-L and Army! Idol-yanderes are so scary!"
by Zombiehalo August 26, 2017
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