A guy who staged his own death on live television and people are stupid enough to believe he's really dead.
"Dude, did you see RAW last night? Vince McMahon got into his limo and it exploded and he died!"

"Um, jackass, it was fake. He's laughing at morons like you as we speak."
by JR23 June 15, 2007
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When someone/something is so incredibly attacted to Vince that it may lead to intercourse.
Bro I think I might have a Vince fetish, everytime I even think about him I get a boner.
by Vincelover69420 January 9, 2023
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The use of technical acronyms in conversation without context.
Them: I was thinking of using a cloud service for my new NFT but I used an RP instead.
Me: What now? RP? Man, quit using vince-hand and spell it out.
by umustbehigh October 26, 2022
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(n) a person who used one of his most hard working employee's deaths to his benefit to get ratings.
Vince mcmahon is currently being a vince mcmahon with the death of Eddie Guerrero
by Adrian February 12, 2006
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Vince russo is a Pro-wrestling writer who is mostly hated by the fans because he writes such sucky wrestling storylines.

Vince russo = FaiL
Tom: ''John stop changing the expire dates on your food''

Eddie: ''Haha.. don't worry I won't pull off a vince russo''

Charlie: ''God damn russo''

Adam: ''Yeah.. he so ended WCW''

by SitOutBomb January 9, 2009
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