In horse racing, a horse is carted away from the track because it couldn't finish the race due to injury and is unable to walk on its own.

For humans:

To be physically carried from a bar or party by friends, bouncers, local authorities, and/or random people because of great intoxication and the inability to walk. Person is then placed into a vehicle and driven away.

To be taken away in a police van from a party, bar, or for general hell raising.
I had to be vanned off last night after drinking 20 shots and passing out on the hotel lobby floor.
by Wedemeyer October 18, 2009
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The premiere way to attract and abduct children.
Hey little girl, get into my candy van!
by JDW May 3, 2005
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Small 12-passenger vans that roll around neighborhoods with large immigrant populations, functioning as an unincorporated, unregistered, and uninsured transit service. They cost less than city buses, but the drivers don't speak English or stop for red lights, there may be live chickens on board, and there's a one-in-five chance the van may catch fire.
Kyle: Yo, we just missed the bus! we're gonna be late!
Bradley: No worries, here comes an immi van.
Kyle: Are those things safe?
by marcolarco May 7, 2011
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Van garber is the best ‘van’ driver in the world n hope tha u get picked up by him u are now classed as a legend
Person 1: is tha ur dad

Liam : ye

Person 1: what’s his name

Liam : ‘van
Person 1 : fucking legend

“The person ‘Van garber’ Is defined as a legend and is known world wide”
by The fella April 7, 2019
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A windowless van driven by a child molester. It might even have a padlock on the back and maybe a cage or two inside. It might even have "free candy" spray painted on the side.
Yo... check that chomo van out. I can hear the screams already.
by Tall Davis December 31, 2011
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We were at the ballgame Saturday and noticed this guy the in front of us receiving a Van Heusen from his girlfriend.
by Van Heusen November 16, 2011
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