A police vehicle over 15 years old but is still in active police service. It should have been retired years ago but the city officials keep a tight budget.
(Man 1) Hey, look at that old ass police car! Do you think it's real? (Man 2) Yeah man that's a unicorn! They are rare as shit!
by ManDogDude November 25, 2016
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Managing to make all four green lights on Little Mack Between Gratiot and 13 Mile Rd. In Roseville, MI.
I made it home I’m record time because I hit the unicorn.
by AubreyStar July 12, 2018
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A bisexual female who is very unique in her own special ways. She seems very soft on the outside but don't mess with her. She is a big mess of problems and cries at the stupidest moments.
by Alex......... December 9, 2017
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The most badass, rainbow colored, ancient, immortal ancestor of the narwhals, who descended from heaven in whale form to watch over us. If found in it's TRUE FORM, it can be used as a vibrator, condom, wallet, Donald Trunp replacement, flying fuck that you won't give, wipes your ass, goes through walls, calls people, mp3 playah, sword, and computer.
Dude: Hey, I'm to tired for sex today, so why not just masturbate or something?

Woman: It's okay, I got a unicorn

Dude: Wait what.... how high are you right now?

Woman:*Sticking Unihorn in vagina* yes
by The Masturbating Hand November 16, 2015
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A mythical creature, typically one you meet out and get along with perfectly, your ideal, yet fail to get a number from. And without a moments notice they are gone.
You: Damn, that girl/guy was everything I am looking for.
Friend: Why didn't you their number?
You: They left before I had a chance, I swear it was a Unicorn!
by topher730 November 10, 2014
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someone who has not endured vaginal, or anal sex. They are hard to find but are still some out there.
lyndsay do you think that broghan is a unicorn?

No Michael she had rectum sex last month with Cameron no way is she a unicorn
by missunicorn2k12 March 23, 2012
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