A moggin is someone or something that is weird and knows it. It can also mean someone or something that is strangely funny whilst also being rank
Someone thrust towards someone in a funny but sexual way would be seen as a moggin/mog
by Wanda wheel32 March 8, 2021
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Term dereviating from mogzantheburningbush videos, on YouTube. MoG-Z (the name of the channel moderator) will use this statement in replacement of PWND or the likes of words like that.
You've just been MoG-Z'd!!!
by FieryPteradactyl August 28, 2010
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Ayo who’s this youtuber playing Skyrim?”
“Oh their Mog Anarchy!”
by Dogdogtf?? July 7, 2021
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Typically when a person pogs above the speed of sound
I Killed a lightning F.6 and was seen mogging afterwards
by ScrubbyBro September 27, 2020
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Popularized by the Blackpill community, Mog/Mogging simply means to be better or outperform someone in a category.
Ex 1) Guy 1: I'm 5'10 but that guy is so much taller than me.
Guy 2: Yeah, he basically height mogs us.
- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- -

Ex 2) Guy 1: Damn, he's so jacked out of his mind.
Guy 2: Shit, that mf is mogging everyone in the gym.
by urbandictionaryteacher October 14, 2023
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To assert dominance over another by physical attributes
Chad is towering over jake in this photo, he’s sm taller and better looking. Jake got mogged
by gamerkiddo06 October 30, 2023
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when sarah and mallory flex on zack ross
“we just mogged zack ross
by wivhididns December 9, 2021
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