A coital action where you cross your wrists and begin to insert every finger into a female sex partner's vagina, then continue to push inward until all but the thumbs are inside. Turning your palms out facing you with wrists still crossed, you do an 8 finger stroking session along the entirety of the vaginal cavity including the G-spot. Continue this until your partner taps out from overstimulation.
"hey girl, you look a little pent up... I bet some G-Spot Jerrymandering will set you straight!"
by Jojolongwood April 25, 2021
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The prostate gland, said to be the male equivalent of a woman's g-spot. Capable of producing great physical pleasure with massage or pressure; not too surprising since the prostate gland produces about two-thirds of the "juice" in semen.

It is possible (perhaps more often practiced in parts of India) for the prostate gland to be "milked" resulting in ejaculation without orgasm.

"So the doctor gave me this digi-rectal exam and when his finger was all the way in, it started to feel really good. Does this make me gay?"

"No, man, it means he hit your male g-spot, the prostate. Every guy's got one."

by al-in-chgo March 7, 2010
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An affiliated yet organized group of washers native to safeway region of mill valley california. The alleged "g spot hitters" love to smoke ciggarettes, drop out of highschool, and pick up on the freshmen girls before the pubes get to them.
tam kid 1: yo fool my mansion is open tonite im tryna have the raw beer pong func. invite all the homies
tam kid 2: even the g spot hitters?
tam kid 1: hell nooo!!
by Urban Dictionary January 30, 2010
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"When I hit my girls g-spot her pussy is like a tidal wave of juices like a g spot tsunami"
by LipDarts September 3, 2015
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1. Just like the corresponding part of a female's anatomy, it's the small nodule located on the front wall of a sissy pussy that, when rubbed, produces a sissygasm.

2. Physiologically the same thing as the male g-spot, or prostate gland. However, because it's located on a sissy and not a man, it cannot be identified using masculine terminology.
Sissy michelle loves the way her inflatable butt plug presses on her sissy g-spot and gives her a sissygasm.
by NeverGonnaGetIt69 July 3, 2021
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A specific part of your mouth that gets triggered by extremely sour candy, the type of feeling that makes your face scrunch and cry.
"Those sour belts had so much acid it hit my sour g-spot."
by deez none of yo business April 26, 2022
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1.)A crazy mix-up of everything
ex. Frank Zappa's song :G-Spot Tornado

2.) An extra sensitive spot on a lady that no guy can find.
Oh no, here comes a G-spot Tornado!
by Neal February 9, 2005
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