Slang for Afghanistan. Used by the Canadian Army, among others.
"Just came back from a tour in the 'stan, what a shithole!"
by 118astfgl234 April 9, 2010
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Stan is when you combine "stalk" and "fan". While you may not actually stalk, it does mean you are obsessed with a brand, celebrity, show, topic, etc.
by 6GM6 June 19, 2018
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A very sexy young human being who everyone looks up to and wants to be.
Woah everyone fancies him, way outta my league. What a sexy stan stan!
by TheW0rdMaster69 February 14, 2017
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If you stan a musician or celebrity you're a big fan. A person like that is also called Stan. "To stan" is the verb for being a Stan. You're obsessed witha certain celebrity and like them very much. You know almost everything about them and give other fans (who are not stans) information or help them because you know more than the maority of the fandom.

It is also used to simply say that you really like an artist.

There are two different kinds of stans, soft stans and hard stans
- "Do you know EXO?"
- "Yes, I stan them."

- "I stan 24K."

-"Do you stan them?"

-"You have to stan VIXX! They're the most talented group ever!"

- "Their new song is so dope, I think I gotta stan them."
by koi456 November 25, 2017
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1) A suffix in the names of Asian Muslim nations and peoples, including former several Soviet republics and current republics of the Russian Federation: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkestan, Tatarstan, Kurdistan. From Persian -stân "place". 2) A superfluous suffix to a place name in general: New Yorkistan, Californistan, Texastan.
by LudwigVan November 11, 2003
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Stanning is defending / supporting something or someone you really like no matter how problematic they are to the point of being obsessed, delusional or looking away from serious things that harm people, even if it harms the very thing/person you claim to love.
Why are you stanning them so hard??? We all saw what they did. It's on video!
by KMM17500 July 7, 2020
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by Stan, November 24, 2017
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