literally "the place" as in Pakistan or afghanistan
as in Pakistan, "the place of Pak", Afghanistan, "the place of afghan"
by Ed Drew August 15, 2006
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America´s ghost war in Afghanistan, a country where Al Qaeda, which was supposed to be the enemy, is no longer based.
X: "Have you heard?... Afghanistan´s president, Hamid Karzai, told two former Afghan officials that he had lost faith in the Americans and was trying to strike his own deal with the Taliban and Pakistan."
Y: "So... what the fuck are we doing in Chaos-istan?"
by rperazag June 24, 2010
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One of a dozen ex-Soviet satellite countries of western and southwestern Asia.
Out of all the Fill-in-the-blank-istans, Afghanistan is the most beautiful, especially the snow-capped Hindu Kush mountains.
by William Dean A. Garner January 28, 2011
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Identification of a former Soviet Republic who has not seen much development success due to the closed nature of their economy and media
Jorge: Do you know anything about Turkmenistan?

Lucia: No, it has definitely turned into a Tragic-istan
by nakedcase February 26, 2010
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