1. Found in the publication "The Quantification of Skill" and refers to the weighted average of the components of the MSD, the SCIA, and the FM-100
2. The leading indicator of RTS ability
Was his skills index above .7?
by anonymous July 12, 2004
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The degree to which an experience compares to the pleasure obtained during an orgasm; calculated as a fraction of 1.
That joyride was so fun, I believe its orgasm index was at least 0.9!
by Turbogenns June 7, 2022
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A unit of measurement for how big of a fuckboi a guy is. It is measured by the number of Nicolas Cage memes are sent in response to gross or inappropriate messages or images before they stop responding.
This guy that was messing with me was gross. He was a 6 on the Cage Index.
by kevinchong January 13, 2017
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A scale created by FEMA used to determine how bad a situation is.

Green: Normal day, serves regular menu

Yellow: Using the generator/limited food supply, serves the limited menu

Red: YOUR ONLY CHANCE IS TO FUCKING PRAY (Things are bad, Waffle House is closed)
"Hey man things are really getting bad out there"

"Is it really? The waffle house index will determine that"
by free cheese June 1, 2023
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-(noun)-with ref to sugar-alcohol-based artificial sweeteners; The difference in quantity between enough to result in the proband's uncontrolled production of foghorn-volumed flatulence, and the quantity which results in his making fizzy gravy.
Fartapeutic index of erythritol-high; FI of maltitol- dangerously low. Empirical data re the latter are published within the Amazon customer reviews of "sugar free jelly bears", the conclusion of the most authoritative of which reads "Jesus, my poor ringpiece".
by Azenath69 February 15, 2022
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Continuously deleting stupid social media posts such as political comments, religious views, and generally just stupid or offensive stuff.
I spend way too much time index-flushing these stupid posts!
by thegreatJOE January 23, 2017
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To "index on" something is to emphasize it or weight it.
To "over-index on" something is to over-emphasize it.
To "be over-indexed" is to be over-represented.
"Moreover, African Americans, Asians and Hispanics were all over-indexed on PBS's online platforms" (2013)
"Pepsi's loyal consumers 'over-indexed' on the desire to make the most out of every moment" (2015)
"I am already over-indexed on risky investments" (2016)
"...the overwhelming majority of our public attention is showered on a minuscule minority of humans. We are exceedingly over-indexed on our stars." (2020)
"People often index on skill when they are looking to hire" (2019)
by egregio April 12, 2022
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