When you’re called a fool, but the person calling you a fool is too much of a fool to spell the word fool correctly.
Person: You’re a foop.

Skip: You’re a pterodactyl.

by Skip Komarov October 10, 2022
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Foop: (noun) a mixture of partially digested food and feces that remains in the large intestine above the level of the belly button, rather than being fully excreted.
I had been feeling constipated and in pain, it was foop blocking the way.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach and it turns out I had a foop.

I went to the doctor and he said I had a lot of foop in my intestine.
by AroFish January 14, 2023
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A leg pancake, used for standing. Get cold easily, scientists have tried to avert the cold foop crisis but it's really hard
Often adorned with fancy cloth and foop protectors to keep them warm anf to make walking an ok experience.
Plaural: feep
Ouch I just stepped on a rock with my foop
by Pwofessow OwO PhD January 6, 2019
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A synonym for shart, to be used in politer company or among children. A sillier word for a serious issue.
I shouldn’t have had those tacos, I am about to foop my pants
by Fred Jones October 4, 2021
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The most happiest a single person can ever be!
p1: "Hey dude, you saw how Foop he was? "
p2: "Yeah I wish I was that Fooped too!"
by Foop | The Happy Guy^-^ November 17, 2016
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When you poke someone in the nose with ur pointer finger
Person 1: FOOP
Person 2: YEET
by ISABANANA January 29, 2018
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