A person who can only watch tv by watching a large number of episodes or seasons of a show at a time. binge, binge tv, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon tv, Netflix and chill, tv series, tv seasons, television, tv, boob tube, streaming, cable tv, network tv, live stream, HBO, Cinemax, Showtime
I’m a boob tube binger, I watch at least 3 seasons each of my favorite shows each weekend.
by joecoolthefool June 4, 2019
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Small group of Northern Irish sports fans; Staunch protestants with outdated unionist beliefs.
"Im heading up to Windsor park later with Billy,Ally & The Binger."

"Five German bombers sounds better with Billy,Ally & The Binger"

I'm away to the Red Hand to meet Billy Ally & The Binger
by JockeyMurray June 4, 2017
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Someone who eats their way through an army of pussaaaay.
Damn, Johnny goes through his female possy like a minge binger!
by shaggadelicbabyyeah March 29, 2014
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Binger Bonger is an insult to tell someone if they are really fucking retarded
P1:Hey, where is bob.
P2:ohh yeah bob forgot
P1:come on, bob a fucking binger bonger
by NGoober February 16, 2023
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