That perfect parking spot where a guy can park his car and avoid damage to the vehicle (such as door dings, shopping cart dings, scratches from passerbys and their baggage, etc.). This spot is usually located remotely, such as in the corner of a large parking lot, or next to a handicap spot with ample space to fully open car doors fully, or far away from a store entrance requiring a bit of a walk to one's destination.
Q: Why did you park so darn far away in that corner?

A: I found a sweet Daddy Spot for the vette!
by SooperJeenyus January 15, 2019
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When that dick hit the back of the throat so deep it make her cum
DisTinder hoe was straight up trippin, brah, but I threw my dick deep down her throat and she came as soon as I hit that T-spot, nigga.
by Deep throating Tessa February 15, 2016
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(Noun) The region of a dog's (or other animal's) anatomy that, when rubbed or scratched, brings great mirth and enjoyment to its recipient. Though its exact location varies between each individual creature, it is almost always located on its underbelly where it is most ticklish. Often identified by the rapid scratching motion of one of its hind legs.

Etymology: The "T" standing for "Tickle", the T-Spot (in name and loose relation) is based off of the "G-Spot" found on Humans, only that the former is completely non-sexual in nature.
"See that? That there's Bandit's T-Spot; a couple inches to the right of his left front leg on his underbelly. See what I mean? I just rub it a couple times and already his hind leg's goin' wild!"
by Zaedrin October 22, 2012
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That area on the back of a mans head generally named Sterling that is lacking hair. Can be seen from over 20 feet away. Sometimes it is also shiny.
Saw a guy at the store with a bald spot, it reminded me of Sterling on a Friday night!
by Bigdaddy81 December 21, 2017
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A certain sensitive area on a persons body that when touched by someone of the same sex who is a heterosexual, makes you feel immediately gay. A pleasurable sensation comes over the body when this area is touched.
Don't touch me there! Thats my GAY SPOT!
by Allessa May 25, 2014
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I am sitting next to him right now. I made a hat for him. Also goes by the name of The Devil. Likes to eat, metal. Hates, holes (in cheese). Thank You.
by John Ball November 18, 2004
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