A phrase/exclamation meaning to have someone draw focus to a certain person/group which strikes interest in the individual who said 'Point Him Out', typically used to strike fear or display confidence.

In laymens terms, when one says 'Point Him Out', it usually means that they are ready to confront someone or multiple people who are inferior in power, wealth, status, or overall ability to react accordingly. It can also be used to highlight someone or multiple people in an accusatory fashion, usually negative in nature.
Person 1: Who the fuck drank all my orange juice? This was the last fuckin' carton. Come on- 'Point Him Out'. I told you all not to lay a finger on my shit! God damnit.

Person A: Who the fuck is next? 'Point Him Out' 'Point Him Out'! That's right, I thought not, fuckin' pussies.

Swift McVay of D12:

"...Whoever thought that I was a hoe,

I let 'em know right now, it's Dirty Dozen forever, take a bow-
'Point Him Out', we will rush his clique
Toughest nigga in the crowd would turn around and be like fuck this shit..."
by TRWoof June 7, 2018
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The act of pointing one's penis towards the toilet bowl whilst standing. Usually accompanied by urination.
"Jeff, your dinner's ready!"

"Give me a minute! I'm just pointing percy at the porcelain!"
by John Superman December 6, 2013
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A small town 15 min outside of Atlantic City. Where the homes are filled with mainly white people unless your in any of the 10 housing apartments in the city. The West side(Jordan road) filled with nothing but homes and white people unless your in sea aire or mistic. The East side(Dawes ave) where all ther stores are and a slightly dirtier neighborhood w nothing but older white people, minorities, fiens, some homeless and drug dealers. Where people get fucked up for thinking they tough and robbed for trynna flex and the best weed is bought
Somers Point NJ , Don’t sit anything down cause it will end up missing
by Cous October 14, 2018
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That moment where someone who literally EVERYONE hates has something actually good to say. Often very rare. AND very surprising.
Jerkass: Look, I know you hate me, but we CanNOT go in there with these weapons.
Dude 1: Hmm..
Dude 2: y'know, the Jerkass has a point.
by Anhilliator1 January 26, 2017
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Guy Young, " I've put in my brownie points, now it's time to point some brownies."
Kenny Powers, "What does point some brownies mean?"
GY, "Fuck some girls in the ass"
by ebanddownfan July 5, 2017
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Slang term for the handgun cartridge .50 AE (50 caliber Action Express)
Mostly associated with the Desert Eagle Handgun.
From the movie "Snatch"

Bullet Tooth Tony: "And the fact that I've got Desert Eagle point five o."
*Withdraws his gun and puts it on the table*

Bullet Tooth Tony: "Written down the side of mine..."

*They look, zoom in on the side of his gun, which indeed has "DESERT EAGLE .50" etched on the side*
by Kintoshi2 September 29, 2009
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when smoking weed, the point at which one gets so high that he/she resembles somebody with some kind of mental retardation. Characteristics include flailing arms at nothing, yelling/screaming at nothing, profound uncontrollable laughter. there is no specified amount that one has to smoke in order to achieve this state of mind because everyone's tolerance is different. everybody expresses their point of mental retardation differently, but it's usually easy to tell when one has reached the point of mental retardation. in conversation, this phrase is typically abbreviated to 'PMR.'
Zach: *hits bong*
Joey: *hits bong*
Will: oh damn, is he at the point of mental retardation?
Joey: yupp
Will: shit, should we put him outside or something?
Joey: there's cops rolling around the neighborhood.
Will: oh right
by Delta5plus4 July 21, 2010
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