"Person 1: do you wanna go down on me?
Person 2: yeah, I want a taste of salt lake city"
by salt lake city enjoyer November 7, 2021
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"Person 1: do you wanna go down on me?
Person 2: yeah, I want a taste of salt lake city"
by salt lake city enjoyer November 7, 2021
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A warning to prepare someone for a tongue lashing, that they'll be crying once you're done with them.
by PicklesToMe August 10, 2019
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When an individual performs fellatio on a male with counter rotating “okay” hand gestures encapsulating the penis, back and forth, side to side, with plenty of saliva to provide a jaw dropping BJ.
She really gave an amazing salt grinder whenever she was hungry!
by JayBanks March 16, 2022
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An uncommonly annoying internet troll that exists to spread salt. Often found in online games such as Counter-Strike:GO, LoL, COD, and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Salt merchants usually ply their trade through offensive innuendoes and racial/homosexual/religiously charged slurs directed to players on their own team, rather than that of their opponents.

Salt Merchants differ from Salt Gods in that they rarely devolve into simple profanities directed at single players and usually spread to envelope their entire team. Their goal is to trigger as many people as possible. As such, any and all remotely dividing topics are covered in their vitrol.
Salt Merchant: Hitler did nothing wrong except for letting your Jews anscestors give birth to you, you ableist keking shitlord.

Player 1: Fuck off, Salt Merchant!

Salt Merchant: This team is full of autists holy fuck please kill me now.
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Dandruff on your ball sack and grundle area.
Damn these potatos taste like they were made with jock salt
by Youngsandwitch April 5, 2017
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A new sex position where you do the salt bae to spinkle some salt into the wounds of your haters.
Yh Jerry we did the salt bae last night.
by KICIA 666 April 7, 2022
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