Where someone who has a giant mustache licks someone out.
-Oi mate, I had a hairy fuck last night.
by CheekyPopcorn69 February 19, 2016
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The magical sack where one's testicles are encased. This sack is magical because it is used in making babies.
Where did you come from?
My father's hairy sack of magic.
by Knacker Sack September 16, 2015
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Howabout that hairy pocket tho
by notAllNames November 29, 2017
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Hairy needles is when your pubic hair gets caught in the foreskin of your penis causing your '3 millimeter defeater' to be in a state of uncomfortable cock torture.

Usually a sign that you should shave your pubes.
Homie1: Bro, is anyone coming, i need to sort out my 'hairy needles'

Homie2: your good feller, ill tell you if anyone's coming

Homie3: i hate 'hairy needles', its super uncomfortable.
by xXFurryNazi69420Xx October 28, 2021
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Where a girl despises pubic hair, so she either rejects sexual activity or shaves it for you.
"heh heh heh.." -unzips your pants-

"What the fuck!? You need to shave! I'm not touching that till that shit is GONE."

Damn Hairy Hamersly.
by idgafaurbandictionaryname August 28, 2011
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The act of soaking and enclosing a woman's vagina with fresh wet pubes where you then flash freeze in order to form the igloo. You then climax in the igloo and poke a hole to let the bodily fluids release the steam. It feels amazing :).
The nurse I slept with was sooo freaky that she hairy-igloo'd herself and made me fuck her icy bush. Despite how extremely disturbing and weird it sounds, it felt so surreal.
by Hairyigloosenpai July 14, 2018
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the act of a woman giving a handjob with the help of her hair, obviously easier to do if the woman has hair of reasonable length. sometimes reffered to as "hairy Harry's" but may sound less desirable to heterosexual men
bro, your mother give's great hairy Helen's and it feels so nice and smooth
by tazzy2 January 2, 2014
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