One of the most amazing persons someone can ever have the pleasure of knowing. Selfless, kind, all around sweetheart, always honest. To know a Lazy Wolf is to spend every day smiling nonstop and an insane amount of happiness. Someone you'd never want to lose đź©·đź’ś
I spent my day with Lazy Wolf and had the most amazing day ever. We used a gasbag as a magic carpet!
by Snapilated April 15, 2023
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Wolf , or werewolf , other know as half man and beast , the ultimate form to take upon by druid or black magic spell
Werewolves are other know as beast of the night , a lunatic , lunar is the other name of moon or moon goddess , which leats to lunatic , cause tic , lick a time bomb , and they go crazy !! Lunar'tic , or killer wolf
by I am a killer wolf October 12, 2013
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I'm a faggot and I try to be a lone wolf but I suck
You're THE Idiotic lone wolf
by Lone wolf is a faggot June 16, 2017
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Valley of the wolfs syndrome is what happens when a disrespectful tough guy stops being tough when he is getting beaten up.
Due to his valley of the wolfs syndrome the 14yo got shit ass beaten by a group of adults who were tired of his shit
by Psychomaniac66 May 29, 2020
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A horribly gruesome case of runny chunky trots that looks like Wolf Brand Chili (with or without beans depending on consistency). There are 3 levels of “The Wolf Brandies” - no beans, mild, and spicy.
Burl: Bro I just ate 5 quadruple layer burritos from Toxic Hell...where’s your bathroom?
Chance: Ya, I totally smelled those rancid farts you’ve been blowin in my direction. It’s down the hall and to the left.
Burl: Thanks dude. I feel a horrible case of the Wolf Brandies coming on...EXTRA SPICY.
by Government Cheese Eater December 14, 2020
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A term originated from Minecraft, a one bone wolf is someone who can easily be negotiated with, or someone who easily gives into loyalties or favors, often getting ripped off because of it. Much like in Minecraft, how it only takes one bone to tame some wolves.
“Caden’s a one bone wolf. If you give him 5 bucks, he’ll pretty much do anything.”

“You’re seriously helping this dude hide a body just cuz he mowed your lawn that one time?! Don’t be a one bone wolf, dude!”
by PeeWeSherman June 13, 2023
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person -4: ah, the wolf is giving birth!
person 0: bro, take your meds
person -4: The devil is beating his wife!
by Just another writer tater February 26, 2023
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