Where do I start if you have ever encountered her you will never forget her, she’s unlike any woman you’ll ever meet, her beauty knows no bounds. She has a smile that lights up any room. Lauren is a green eyed dark haired goddess whose body is out of this world and has an ass that could melt Zeus himself. Who truely knows the mind of miss Gibson but when she allows you into that fortress of a heart she has there is where you’ll stay forever, her love knows no limitations and that can both be a good and a very evil thing. Ever since meeting her she’s someone I have never been able to erase from my mind and honestly who would want to.

She’s strong willed, sexy as fuck, and the most incredible lover. I’m honoured I got to be apart of her world even if it wasn’t forever I’ll always hold her close in my heart.
Lauren Gibson
by Unknown lovers March 17, 2023
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these people are the absolute best couple ever and everybody loves them together. they are so both SWEETEST PEOPLE EVER, are both so pretty, and are both amazing!! They are both Minecraft gods and will beat you if you kill their Minecraft pets. They are the best couple.
That amazing couple on tv reminds me of Lauren and Lisa!!!!
by djsjskakakadb October 22, 2019
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Acting more promiscuous, provocative, sexual when in the presence of a female/male named Lauren
“Why are you being a whore rn?”
“Because I’m around Lauren, it’s The Lauren Effect”
by Litler lover June 26, 2023
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A pretty cool girl who’s has swag. She really likes Doritos and kit kats. Also a clout master.
Do you see that cool person with the clout goggles over there? Must be Lauren Turner
by Fish Brain December 15, 2017
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She’s the most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet. She’s athletic, and likes to compete. She can change the most stubborn people’s minds. Lauren is beautiful in every aspect, from her Smile and her eyes, to her intelligence and her sense of humor. Being around Lauren will make you a better person, because she’s such an amazing person herself. If you ever get the chance to be around Lauren, don’t take it for granted. You can learn so much from her. Her trust is something you should value greatly, and she is the most trustworthy person you’ll ever meet. She makes life so much better. Don’t ever let her go.
Wow, I’m so lucky that Lauren Turner is my girlfriend
by Cantguardgabe37 November 21, 2018
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