When something happens in a specific season in a series that you watch that happens so fast, you can't process it right away and it's a pain to connect the dots.
Person 1: Did you see that season of (insert your favorite series here)? Man, it gave me season whiplash.
Person 2: Same. The entire season was rushed. I got a headache just trying to understand it all.
by BittersweetGirl October 3, 2018
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In politics, the time, especially just before the election, when underliverable promises and wild accusations are the order of the day.
The Left Wing's accusation that the conservative candidate was buying votes is an example of the pre-election political silly season.
by Ruerzi May 14, 2011
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Word created by Brittany matthews ,of Texas . It is summer time when people be snapping and you SNAPBACK because it’s SnapBack season
Someone being rude to you during summer time ?

You say you better watch out it’s SnapBack season and I will snap back.
by June 8, 2023
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A word made up by Brittany Nicole Matthews of Tx . It means when someone snaps at you ~ you snap back

Snap back season is only during summer time because it’s a heated month 🤣
Other person to you: you look fat
Me: better watch out, it’s snap back season and you don’t want me to say something back during SnapBack season you’ll get your feeling hurt for sure
by June 8, 2023
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The time in a cold or flu when you are constantly coughing up phlegm and loogies, or the time of the year when people are prone to colds or flu.
Sorry bro I can’t go out tonight, It’s loogie season.
by the half gram rapper December 11, 2019
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A badly diseased vagina with STDs that include guaneruia, and herpes,climitia, vaginitis; physifilis
Hey look at that slut!
Yeah ,, I heard she had a seasoned taco
by Somebodyouknow June 10, 2021
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someone who is a looks like ab lincoln’s pinky toe and often takes the gun out of situations
calling someone a season washer
by cenuspenis August 20, 2023
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