A loud ass creaking ass shaking ass fan that makes clicking noises when you turn it on.
Don’t turn on the fan it sounds like an ol’ dankis!!!
by Ol’.dankis.lover March 4, 2022
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When one passionately kisses a call girl after going down and her and procedes to make love to her.
Had a great time last night ended up giving the call girl the ole frank while she returned the favor.
by TheMan769 April 7, 2021
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You are now the Master of Boredom, You wrote the QWERT keyboard combo diagonally and repeated it again with the shift button on. You've already grown young one, now, it's time to find more combos, I wish you great luck and strength.
Me: So you're bored?
You: Yeah, what should I do, I've already done all the QWERT combos
Me: There is more young one, try this one: "1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik9ol0p!QAZ@WSX#EDC$RFV%TGB^YHN&UJM*IK<(OL>)P:?_{"+}|"
You: Okay I'll try
Me: Good luck young one!
by Mikure_SMM2 September 18, 2023
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When one person, grabs the cock of another and hoisters it to there side like a cowboy, then proceeds to jump up and SLAM them down to the ground cock still in hand
“Me and my girl did Some kinky shit last night, she gave me Yee Ol cock slam.”
by September 14, 2020
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OL BADON- defined as term for sexually active female with many partners. Normally this is used by country folk to define skank or whore.
Wow man did you see all those ol badon at that party. I really got the vibe most were DTF.
by countrygrammar26 August 23, 2011
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It means OK or LOL, vice-versa or both.
> Can you do this?
> ol ( l̶ ol k̶ )
by fooinha March 16, 2020
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A person who eats boller and chocolate every day and is really fat. He has a bed that has room for two. He loves Katarina.
I heard Ole K is fat

Yeah he is fatter then King Kong.
by Definently not Okayun April 2, 2021
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