A little sentences 5 dumbass boys made up
Teacher :why are you talking and not doing your work

Student : where the proof
by Depriestmoolah21 October 14, 2019
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A game played by watching the first 30 seconds of Law and Order episodes and trying to guess where the innocent bystander will find the first dead body of the episode. Best played as a drinking game, where the winner of each episode takes a shot.
I am so drunk. I have won the past four rounds of 'Where's the Body?' and have a good hunch about this toddler alone in the dark alley.
by StablerHaircut June 15, 2011
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Something someone asks someone when they are paying, usually followed by a ok hand to add to the dank memes of pepe 2k18
WHERES THE MONEY, its somewhere lebowski!
by Lawtron The Boi July 13, 2018
basically a cool way to say where do you live or whats your adress
hey wheres the door
by alessandranames May 15, 2016
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In relation to GME:

Is the wrong question to ask. It should either be "wen lambo" or "which lambo".
Ape 2: Where Lambo?
Ape 1: Nonono! Wen Lambo!
by TrueBananaMonkey July 16, 2021
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Dweebs who don't know how to describe something unexpected going on with a piece of software
It has it where the 'Next' button is not taking me to the next page.
by Party0Clock September 23, 2019
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When you cant think of an insult so you bullshit something as fast as you can.
"you asked a girl to go mini golfing"
Where's Gaby?"
by umflmao February 27, 2022
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