When you are having sex with a girl doggy style while leaning to the right side and slapping her right ass cheek at the same time.
Man, I gave that bitch some hardcore DSRs (Doggy Style Rights) last night, the right side of her pussy is probably sore and her right ass cheek!
by The_DSR_King May 29, 2011
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A person you consider a friend that’s on a lower level then you. You could “whoop their ass”. They need more experience as to being hard. “No balls”.
Person 1: “yo fuck you I’ll beat your ass
Person 2: fuck you doggy style

Person 1: “alright later bro
Person 2: “later doggy style”
by KateKate1991 August 23, 2019
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Popular sexual position by dogs both created and popularized by paisley ( Mantia ) a small lab/Stafford mix from south shore it was said she once humped her way down mass ave In under 4 hrs
That was some doggy style Waylon just laid down on that little bitch.
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When you have sex with a girl from behind, rather getting the booty or the vagina
by Cuboidclub69 June 27, 2019
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This is what happens when you put a bitch in a dog position
Slut:Damn my man put me in doggy style
Hoe:Well fuck you i was put in a crown
Slut:Lucky Hoe
Hoe:ugly ass slut
Slut and Hoe then end up having sex
Slut's man arrives
Slut and Hoe:HELL YEAH
by AnonymousBitchASSSSSSS November 24, 2018
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The act of wearing a deceased dog's skin/fur.
Doggy style aesthetic: How to Master Doggy Style
-make sure the dog is no longer living
-remove the skin and fur, wash thoroughly, dry for 20 minutes on high
-spray Japanese Cherry Blossom by Bath and Body Works for the vibe
I went to Walmart and 2 people were doggy style'd up!
by iLovemuffincum August 31, 2022
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