When baking a cake, ejaculate in a bottle till the bottle is almost full. Next, instead of frosting the cake, pour the bottle of cum all over. Finally you can serve it to all your friends.
When Aaron had his graduation party, he served a cum cake to all his friends.
by Mr. Dangle June 9, 2009
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A yummy snack that consists of:
1 cup of cum,
2 eggs,
3 tablespoons of cakes
I didn't know what to do with my excess cum, so I made some cum cakes!
by fordtech November 17, 2008
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A game among any man that can be played with 2-10 players when the players sit in a circle surrounding a cupcake. At the saying of "GO" the players start masturbating, trying to jerk-off as fast as possible, to the point of cumming. When all the players are finished, the person who jizzed last has to eat the cum-covered cupcake, as everyone watches, laughing loudly. Record the eating for longer memory.
"Hahaha, Jeff last night got owned in cum-cake last night!"

"We playing a game of cup-cake at our sleepover tonight?"
by Joanse Cos December 6, 2009
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I was hungry, so I ate some cum cakes.
by Slut ho September 23, 2003
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cake with cum instead of icing
that fat hoe ate all the cum cake
by reno April 18, 2005
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When you go to a little kids birthday party and cum in his or hers

That kids getting a confetti cum cake this year.
by slapyodaddy February 21, 2018
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