(verb) To show superiority over another after a kill in a video game, by repeatedly shoving one's ass into the dead player's corpse. A wildly known method of taunting in FPS games such as Halo, Destiny, Call of Duty, among others.
Bro, what the fuck, I keep getting annihilated by this teabagging asshole.

Get fucked son! Gonna teabag you so hard...

This shit's using cheap weapons, we gotta teabag his ass with every kill.
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To put nutsack on one's face for fun.
I got teabagged by 3 boys at once.It was fun.

My boyfriend comes over my house and teabags me everyday.
by Lady k-k April 24, 2006
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A traditional saying in video games, after you get killed or owned, the player's sprite begin's to motion up and down on your pixelated body. Thus, making you a noob. It's a disgraceful thing to be bestowed upon you but otherwise, You can just kill them and teabag them to get your fair nut-rubbing revenge.
Haha you got teabagged you fag n00b.
by Sin Zanetsu May 8, 2006
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To put your lovers balls into your mouth when performing oral sex
Wow Joe and she teabagged you to?
by j0hn_d March 9, 2005
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The art of planting a teabag with ninja like skill into another persons possession
Teabagee:"Why is there a teabag in my pocket?"
Teabagger:"You've just been teabagged"
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Not the one you dunk in your tea, but mostly in a video game. Teabagging is when you crouch/crawl, then stand, then repeat over and over again, and is sometimes endless. Teabagging is mostly used for bragging and boasting.
Guy: *Kills another guy, teabags them, then walks away*
Guy who got killed and teabagged: *Respawns, finds the guy that killed and teabagged him, kills that guy, and *teabags* him even more times than he teabagged him*
by RadRaichu7 May 11, 2019
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The nickname for an annoying little guy who got balls in his mouth. Also has a small penis.

See also: Adrian Lopez.
Haha, look at Teabag. He got big black testicles in his mouth.
by Colossus April 21, 2005
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