noun. the best, one who owns all others with their mad skills.

see teh roxor
Kathy certainly is teh shiz!
by Kaworu July 1, 2004
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the ultimate saying to complete a wankster (white gangster, also a syn for wigger), white chocolate or other gangster want to be mock.
Means either for sure or for shit.
"Fo shiz, that was tight."
"Ah, fo shiz, I am sooooo busted!"
by SW#1 June 20, 2005
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Something that is really cool. A slang word that has started to appear in highschools as a new way of saying the bomb.
"That song is the bomb" is now "That song is the shiz biz"

"My new phone is the shiz biz"
by gracie March 4, 2005
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a person/animal/mineral that is above average
britney has shit music.....
but she has the shizniz body
by county corpse February 25, 2003
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One who is accustomed to the occasional nibble upon a shizzle. A feces eater.
Geoffrey: You a shiz-nibbler?

Pertev: Yes Geoffrey.

Geoffrey: That explain the halitosis problem.

Pertev: I guess it do Geoffrey.
by George Hayward December 3, 2006
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the shit, all that (and as some would say "and a bag of chips")
He/She acts like he's/she's the shiz-nitz.
by Kiki April 21, 2003
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