The name for the supposed "spirit" group at Viera High School, filled with douchebags, sluts and those who left their brain in the dumpster. The slogan "I believe that we will win", goes down in history as one of the most idiotic attempts at making something creative.
Andrew: Hey Jessica, are you a member of Hawk Nation?
Jessica: Why yes, I am!
Andrew: I'm sorry, I don't communicate with those affiliated with that scum.
by KaBoom January 15, 2014
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King nation means knowing your own value as a man, and not being a fool who puts women on a pedestal.
Also, you don't neglect your boys for a woman!

The opposite of simp nation.
your friend: "She cheated on you??? What are you gonna do?"
hopefully you: "I broke up with her. She fucked up."
your friend smiling and proudly saying: "king nation"
by king nation January 1, 2020
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A novel way of further taxing poor people.
" Oi know oim dahn to me last quid but oi moight just win the lot-ry!"
by Valetudo December 10, 2003
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A group of people (citizenry) that have joined together under a common goal of achieving a better way of life, using a model of government more suited towards their common beliefs. This is usually done through the Internet; however, other methods of communication are possible if limited. The goals of these Virtual Nations can vary radically, but some level of group sovereignty is professed despite no physical territorial boundaries.
Examples of Virtual Nations include: Al Qaeda, Virtual Nation, Second Life.

Though they all have radically different purposes and are in no way related to each other, they all share a similiarity, in that they are {Virtual Nations} to one level or another.
by mrhines March 8, 2010
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the area one goes to smoke a newport cigarette. be it outside, where you are sitting, the balcony, ect...
(luke) yo you got any porters?
(trey) yea you want to go to the nation?

(torry) let me bum a square so i can go to the nation with yall

hurry up and finish eating, im trying to go to the nation before i have to go back to work.
by cbaschun April 15, 2011
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The Caleb Nation is a group of men and women under the Pepsi generation. The group gains more and more members every day and is ruled by the leader Caleb. Caleb is a eastern legend who can usually be seen throwing boomerangs and rollerblading in parks or in the middle of the woods looking for animals. Members of the "Caleb Nation" spend their free time avoiding their studies. They do this by learning useless tricks such as the unicycle, yo-yo, or nun-chucks.
Yo dude Caleb Nation hows the unicycle going!
Oh shoot there he is its Caleb freaking Nation!
Yo Caleb Nation want to go to Subway!
by wusgooddudeshowhaveubeen October 5, 2019
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